Monday, April 06, 2009

Architecture 2030 Update - Green Building Job Creation

Here is a simple plan from Architecture 2030 to improve our economy. Check out the video and download the full plan to see what you can do.

Village Green Man

How to Save Our Economy in Under Seven Minutes
The Two-Year, Nine-Million-Jobs Investment Plan Webcast
Edward Mazria and the team at Architecture 2030 have
created a concise new webcast on The Two-Year,
Nine-Million-Jobs Investment Plan, illustrating clearly
how merging the 2030 Challenge targets with a mortgage
interest rate buy-down program puts the Building Sector
back to work, creating 9 million new jobs, $1 trillion in new
spending and investment, and a brand-new $236 billion
dollar per year renovation market.

Urge Your Representatives to Support the Plan NOW
If the Fed does not tie lower mortgage interest rates to the energy efficiency targets of the 2030 Challenge,
we will miss out on a historic opportunity to put America back to work, rebuild the Nation's economy and
dramatically reduce US energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Implementing the Investment Plan at the State Level
MA Takes the Lead on Tying Mortgage Buy-Down to Energy
In its efforts to achieve a zero net energy Building Sector by 2030,
Massachusetts is proposing to create a mortgage buy-down program tied
to meeting energy reduction targets, as called for in the Two-Year,
Nine-Million-Jobs Investment Plan.
In a report submitted to Governor Deval Patrick last month, the state's
Zero Net Energy Buildings Task Force, recommends a "mortgage
write-down" program to "finance deep energy retrofits with no change in
mortgage payments", as well as incentivizing "stretch codes" for
municipalities that want to pursue more ambitious energy reduction

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