Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Miami Marine Stadium Victory !!!

The green building state in Miami is certailny enriched by one of its most precious structures, the Marine Stadium. Endangered to suffer the similar fate as the Orange Bowl, it has been the center of local preservation efforts, spearheaded by Friends of Marine Stadium and Dade Heritage Trust.

Today, another great victory was achieved on the path to permanently preserve and restore this amazing venue. Please read below and also note the upcoming events!

Vilalge Green Man

April 28, 2009

To: Miami Marines

The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) has named the Miami Marine Stadium to its 2009 list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places. This annual list highlights important examples of the nation’s architectural, cultural and natural heritage that are at risk of destruction or irreparable damage. This is a highly significant designation and it will generate national and international momentum for the Marine Stadium.
With headquarters in Washington D.C., nine regional and field offices, 29 historic sites and partner organizations in all fifty states, the National Trust for Historic Preservation provides leadership, education and advocacy and resources to a national network of people, organizations, and local communities, committed to saving places, connecting us to our history, and collectively shaping the future of America’s stories. To learn more about the National Trust-and the other ten sites that made the list-go to their website, www.preservationnation.org/issues/11-most-endangered/

The Trust has been extremely supportive and helpful in our efforts on the Stadium. Their involvement brings us additional knowledge, contacts, and credibility-and being included in the “11 most” list means that we are one of the most closely watched preservation initiatives nationwide.
We will supplement the Trust’s considerable press effort with another public relations campaign done for us by Susan Grant Lewin & Associates, the finest PR firm in the United States devoted to art, architecture and design.
Click on the link below to see the front page story in today's Miami Herald.

May 8 Design Studio on Planning Issues for Virginia Key and the Marine Stadium Basin
The University of Miami Marine Stadium Preservation Planning Studio will make their final presentation on Friday, May 8, from 10:00 AM-12:00 at the Miami Rowing Club, 3601 Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key. The event is free and open to the public; RSVP 305-774-0022; or email Jorge@jlharchitect.com
This studio was taught by Jorge Hernandez, Catherine Lynn, and Hilario Candela and it looks at different potential uses and context for the Marine Stadium & Basin and at alternatives for the Virginia Key Master Plan. We hope that it contributes to continued public discussion of the plan. The event is co-sponsored by the Urban Environment League of Miami, Dade Heritage Trust, and Friends of Marine Stadium.
What Else is Going On
-Our contest to design the Logo for Friends of Marine Stadium closes on May 2 It is still not too late to enter!
-Record your memories of Marine Stadium in a book that is being created by two terrific girl scouts, Kira Feldman and Hannah Imberman
Go to the front page of our website, http://www.marinestadium.org/ and click on the appropriate links for more info about both items.
-And, of course, our Dance Party on May 7.

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