Sunday, January 11, 2009

Super Super Therm- Part I

Many may have heard about this great paint that will provide superior insulation to any surface and can easily be applied for new construction as well as existing homes. Adding an instant improvement to the insulation with an R-value equivalent of 22 and another 10 if applied to the outside with a high level of reflectivity. This product was originally developed for NASA application and found its way into the construction market. The application is easy and it sticks to just about any surface. Some may require a little preparation work, but all will share a similar result.
So what is this amazing product?

Super Therm; specifically, Super Therm II.

After first hearing of this product about a year ago, my interest in learning more about it quickly sparked. Simple to apply, great effect, instant energy savings. What is not to like.
Being the hands on guy that I am, the next step was clear. Coat the roof of my home. I measured the temperature in my attic for a few month and can report that the 3:12 slope roof with trusses and a minimal crawl space averaged temperatures of 140 to 165 degrees. FPL had completed an analysis of my home and found the insulation adequate. This may reasonably be true for the interior space, but the mini attic, holding most of my water pipes and HVAC ducts, certainly did not agree. Teh heat stored here contributed to higher demand on the HVAD and longer wait in the shower for the water to reach a normal temperature. Not enough space made adding insulation impossible Super Therm seemed the solution.

The house before coating. Brown Asphat Shingle

In November of 2008 the application was completed and now the roof of my home is white. Since then we were blessed with mostly cool weather, but is important to note that an improvement is evident. Temperatures in the attic have not passed 100 degrees and the home stays cooler, longer.

After coating with Super Therm - White Roof

The digital display, pre Super Therm, started at 77 in the morning and raised to 85 after 10 am during the day. Until that time, the AC started up a number of times. After Super Therm, the unit has not started once in the morning. A definite success.

I am looking forward the hot summer days to further document these readings. The first FPL bill came in yesterday and showed another improvement. Granted, it is winter, but the money saved may still be attributed to the new paint. I am certainly convinced and will up the promotion of this superior product.

Save the planet, one cool surface at a time…

1 comment:

ek said...

So this stuff really works huh? I'm still not conviced, but there's a local distributor and I'm going to buy some today.