Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2011 EPA Earth Day Events and What You Can Do

In Washington DC - Join the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Saturday and Sunday, April 16-17 for Earth Day on the National Mall. With more than 40 interactive exhibits, kids and adults can have eco-fun with hands on activities, art, music and storytelling. Visitors will learn how to. Also, the 7th Annual National Sustainable Design Expo on April 15-17 on the Mall features environmentally friendly, sustainable technologies developed by college student teams from across the country.

Around the country - EPA offices around the country are listing events and activities in and near your community. Events range from easy, family-friendly events to more strenuous volunteer environmental cleanup opportunities. For example, there's a Mystic River cleanup in Massachusetts, Auntie Litter's Parade in Birmingham Alabama, the Mountain Area Earth Day Fair in Evergreen Colorado, and many, many more. See the events page to find events, dates, and times near you!

Events page: for DC and around the country.

Pick 5 for the Environment. Join others in the US and around the world and commit to small steps that fit your lifestyle, but are powerful actions that help protect the environment.

State of the Environment Photo Project - Starting in April 2011 and over the coming year to Earth Day 2012, EPA is inviting photographers to submit photos on the state of the environment as they experience it, to add to the Documerica project. Read more about the history of Documerica and how to enter your photos.

Sign up to get a daily environmental tip by email during April, and listen to the daily audio tip podcast.

Join us on Facebook and share your Earthday experiences, or use hashtag #earthday on Twitter.
On the go? Get your daily tip from EPA's mobile site!
¿Habla español? Aprenda más acerca del Día del Planeta Tierra y de lo que usted puede hacer para ayudar a proteger el medio ambiente. Escuche los podcasts ambientales. Inscríbase para recibir un consejo por correo electrónico en abril.

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