Sunday, January 17, 2010

TREEmendous Miami fundraiser - January 22 in Coral Gables!

The non-profit tree planting group, TREEmendous Miami, has worked to restore and increase the tree canopy in Miami-Dade County. In its 10 year history, TREEmendous Miami has been fortunate enough to sustain its many tree planting projects through city, county and state grants. We have planted trees at schools, in parks, along main thoroughfares such as US1 and lined numerous neighborhood streets with much needed shade and beautification fostering community pride. We have engaged thousands of volunteers in the process, including students who have earned community service hours whle learning how to plant and care for trees. Additionally, we check on and maintain our plantings.

We are now looking to the community -- individuals and businesses -- to invest in our environment by supporting future TREEmendous Miami tree planting projects including some environmentally endangered areas of the County, as well as additional schools, parks and neighborhoods.

On Friday, January 22, 2010, TREEmendous Miami will be having its first fundraising event at JohnMartin's Restaurant in Coral Gables on Miracle Mile. Appetizers will be provided by Green Gables Café and Publix Supermarkets. Please attend (see invitation below). If you are unable to attend, we hope you will consider making a tax-deductible donation to TREEmendous to help further our mission of planting, protecting and preserving trees in Miami-Dade County.

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