Friday, October 23, 2009

Virginia Key News - Miami

THank you Blanca for sharing this.

Tomorrow planting day...volunteer and help. See below for other updates realting to Virgina Key.

Village Green Man

VIRGINIA KEY DUNE PLANTING Oct. 24 - International Day of Climate Action Urban Paradise Guild invites volunteers to help plant the new dunes on Virginia Key. as part of the International Day of Climate Action

GHOST OF TEDDY ROOSEVELT influenced Virginia Key Master Plan delay
The Miami City Commission voted 4-0 to defer Virginia Key Master Plan until May, 2010. This gives more time to public input and the opportunity to develop a plan that preserves the ecology, cultural and historic assets and beauty of the island.
Miami Commissioner Tomas Regalado invoked the memory of conservation president Teddy Roosevelt to make his decision."What would Roosevelt say?" Regalado asked, recounting the conservation president who created five national parks during his tenure.“I think he would say, if you want to make money from Virginia Key you don’t develop the place. There’s nothing else like this.” Regalado said preserving the island’s beauty and nature and restoring the Marine Stadium would bring people from all over the world to Miami, to photograph and visit the unique wilderness island next to a major city."History will judge what we do with this island. We need to get it right," Regalado said. More details on Commission meeting:

MIAMI MARINE STADIUM one of 93 sites worldwide named to "Watch List" by World Monuments Fund."Why it matters: .... the stadium represents the modernity of a growing city and the international cultural influences that helped shape it. Miami Marine Stadium defined a significant shift in American architectural style from staid civic buildings to exuberant structures reflecting changing tastes and a desire to project the city as a forward-looking place.

JIMBO'S SENDS OUT AN SOS Friends of Jimbo say that the city has reinstituted a $5 entrance fee even for those just going to Jimbos and this could drive Jimbo out of business. Details on this and the day of action Nov. 14:"Jimbo's is one of the last refuges from the urban sprawl of Miami."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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