Thursday, March 19, 2009

Taking liberty with LEED - common marketing mistakes!

Nice article about the marketing abuse of LEED. Thank you Ned for sharing!

Indeed a very good point! As LEED consulting is the key component of my business, this is a problem that surfaces frequently and seems to result from a lack of understanding of what LEED really is.

As a rating tool, LEED has elevated many buildings to a new, better quality of being built and used. The marketing side should probably focus on these benefits, rather than try to use the catch phrase of being LEED. If needed, and when accurate, the designation of being a LEED registered building seems to be appropriate. This is a true statement once the building has completed the registration process and indicates that clear intend to get the building certified. For the layperson, the light green individual, the recognition will be present and for the advanced, dark green consumer, the understanding will be clear as well.
It will be interesting to see to me, what happens, once LEED has become the building standard and we are ready to move to the next level of truly good buildings. Let the PR campains begin!

Village Green Man

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