Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Class @ University of Miami

It is great pleasure that i can share that a new elective will come to the University of Miami, School of Architecture:

Contemporary Green Design
Concepts of sustainable building, regional sustainable building and the current most common green building initiatives
Spring 2009

Contemporary sustainable design will educate about the current state of the construction marketplace with a focus on green design. The general introduction will include global markets, with a particular focus on European technologies and trends. Sustainable or green design as well as local green building challenges will be reviewed.
The course will provide information about available rating systems such as the US Green Building Council LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) as well as other available systems such as the AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE), the Florida Green Building Coalition and Environmental Protection agency (EPA) programs. Current technologies and old versus new design strategies will also be part of the class.

Taking the US Green Building Council LEED Accredited Professional (AP) exam is a requirement of this course. Registration, examination and related cost are the responsibility of the student.

Required reading material is the USGBC Reference Guide for New Construction (NC).

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