Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Years Resolutions...

... are surly a wonderful treat. Who does not want to get back their dream body, remove all debt and free up more time. Sure you can join the gym, cut your credit cards to pieces and quit your job. But this leaves you where? Probably with more expenses for gym membership, that will not be used after , lets say, three weeks; hence more charges to your credit card (because there was no money in the first place to pay for membership with cash), and more time in front of the TV to obliterate the obvious evil thoughts of failure for not sticking to your resolutions. And why do you need January 1st to do all this? You do not.

I started on my resolutions a day early! But why not a week, or why not now, three days later.

There are many people procrastinating life decisions. Things are made easier for us every day. Drive troughs replace walk ins. Fast food the sit down dinner. Wal Mart the small neighborhood store (that you actually could have walked to). Change is happening around us every day. Most of it not for the better, but that remains a matter of opinion. So why not start your own. Now. Get up and do it. Change for the better. Better to be defined at a later time.

1 comment:

Addison Kate said...

I love it - and it's Green!