Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Miami Herald feature of Sebastian Eilert

Great picture and some interesting thoughts about how guests can stay over if you have limited space. Read the article at Herald Online....

Village Green Man


Monday, December 14, 2009

USGBC South Florida - New membership directory for sustainable firms


another great advancement by the US Green Building Council, South Florida Chapter. The addition of a membership directory. Find Sebastian Eilert right here:


Village Green Man

In the chapters words:

On behalf of our organization's Board of Directors, I am pleased to present a new benefit to our valued members. Effective immediately, the Chapter's popular website (www.usgbcsf.org) has added to its menu an online Membership Directory.

Check it out! You can use the Simple Search (on which the page opens) or utilize the Advanced Search to explore the list by any number of logical categories (e.g., company, LEED AP, industry sector, city, Branch) or any combination thereof.

This new benefit -- highly requested during our recent membership survey -- will allow individuals looking for green-building and sustainability professionals and companies to find you. As a benefit of membership, only USGBC South Florida members are listed.

The only thing that most members now need to do is take a few minutes to login and create your profile. After doing so, you will be able to register for events and special programs, renew online, and make donations to our nonprofit organization. You can update and maintain your email and personal profile; note your Branch affiliation(s); include your company's website, logo and a short summary about your company or yourself; list your professional accreditation ... and more. In short, we've designed this to be a terrific marketing tool for you.

A "current" membership and membership record will also allow you to receive the Chapter's discounted rates in the future when you register for a program or event, as well as free admission to our monthly Branch meetings. Obviously, too, an updated membership record will allow you to continue to receive communications from the Chapter. (Has your membership lapsed? To renew click here.)

The volunteer leadership of the USGBC South Florida Chapter hopes that you enjoy this new membership benefit. Please update your profile and please login to the website whenever you are going to register for Chapter events and Branch meetings. If you are having trouble logging in, click here and follow the instructions.

Thanks for your ongoing support of our nonprofit organization. If we can ever be of any assistance to you or your company or firm, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Take care ...

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Miami Marine Stadium Update - A great year for the Stadium!

As the year comes to an end, here is the latest from the Friends of Marine Stadium:
Village Green Man

Friends of Marine Stadium Logo Contest Logo Contest

We had 34 entries in our contest to design a logo for Friends of Marine Stadium. Because of the number of intriguing entries, this has been a very difficult decision for our panel of judges! After much deliberation, the winner is Alejandra Marquez. Alejandra's winning entry can be seen by clicking
here . We are delighted with it. And we thank all the graphic artists for participating in our contest and being involved in the Marine Stadium effort. We will leave up all of the entries on our website.

More Press

There is a terrific article on the Marine Stadium in the December issue of Metropolis Magazine. Click
here to see it. After you click, you can go to the previous page to see another image of the Marine Stadium. In fact, check out the whole magazine.

Press continues to be an important focus for us and our dynamic duo of Penny Lambeth and Violette Sproul are working on more media and print pieces.

What You Can Do

It is the end of the year, which means time to make your tax deductible contributions. If you believe in the restoration of Marine Stadium, please consider us! Our all volunteer organization has made great progress, but relies on your support. You can join Friends of Marine Stadium for only $60, tax deductible-and you'll become a member of Dade Heritage Trust (DHT), Miami Dade County's foremost preservation organization. When you join, you will receive a copy of Preservation Today, DHT's annual magazine format publication which features Miami Marine Stadium. Click
here to print out a copy of the application. And if you have already joined for the year, please consider making an extra contribution to our cause, which is tax deductible. Checks should be made out to Dade Heritage Trust and sent to DHT at 190 SE 12th Terrace, Miami, FL 33131 with a notation "for Friends of Marine Stadium".

Holiday Party

Finally, click
here to see an invite for Dade Heritage Trust's Holiday Party, which is Dec. 17. The party is at a beautiful home in Coral Gables and features food and beverage. Cost is only $45; $40 for members of Friends of Marine Stadium and Dade Heritage Trust, RSVP by December 10. This is a lovely, classy evening and a wonderful way to support our parent organization, Dade Heritage Trust-and a great way to connect up with other Marine Stadium supporters!

Friends of Marine Stadium won the 2009 Historic Preservation Award from the Miami Chapter of the American Association of Architects (AIA). The award was presented at the AIA Annual Dinner in November. Miami AIA was our first sponsor-and is one of the many organizations supporting restoration of the Marine Stadium. Congratulations to all of us!

Holiday Cheers

Jorge Hernandez
Becky Roper Matkov
Don Worth

Friends of Marine Stadium